Vendor details

Name of business (Hebrew) איוונטהנדלר בע”מ
Name of business (English) EventHandler Ltd.
Tax ID / ח.פ 516427259
Business address (Hebrew) היצירה 19, רמת גן, ישראל 5252157
Business address (English) HaYetsira 19, Ramat Gan, Israel, 5252157
מספר תיק מס הכנסה (ח.פ) – Tax ID 516427259
IBAN Number IL090125370000000355316
מספר תיק ניכויים 939843488
אחוז ניכוי על פי אישור מס הכנסה 3%
Name of bank (Hebrew) הפועלים (12)
Name of bank (English) HaPoalim (12)
Bank address (Hebrew) דרך אבא הלל 12, רמת גן, 52522
Bank address (English) Abba Hillel Silver Rd 12, Ramat Gan, 52522
Bank branch 537 (יהלום)
Bank account number 355316
Bank account owner name (English) EventHandler
Bank account owner name (Hebrew) איוונטהנלדר
Terms of Payment 30 days from invoice
email addres [email protected]
Bank account ownership confirmation Download here

לפרטים אודות מספר ספק במשרד הבטחון – שלחו לנו מייל

Cancellation Policy

Sponsor Cancellation:

In case of cancellation of the event, we will offer a full refund to all attendees and sponsors.

Attendee cancellations:

Up to 30 days prior to the event – 100% Refund.
30-14 days prior to the event – 50% Refund.
No refund will be offered later than that.